Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

The Kind of Genre


1.       Basic Purpose : to amuse, entertain and to deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution. To teach or inform, to change attitudes/social opinions.

2.       Generic Structure :
Orientation        : sets the scene and introduces the participants.
Evaluation         : stepping back to evaluate the plight.
Complication     : a crisis arises. Involves the main characters.
Resolution         : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse, happily or unhappily.
Reorientation     (optional).

3.       Language  Feature :
-          Use simple past tense.
-          It is written in third person.
-          Set up one / more problems.

4.       Example :
Generic Structure



     Long time ago, there was a boy in small village. That boy was me, Guller.
    One day when I sailed, my ship sank. I swam ashore to the island of Liliput. I was very, very tired, so I fell asleep. Hundreds of tiny people pulled me to ground with rope.
    When I woke up, I made friends with the tiny people. They untied the rope and gave me food. Their bread was so tiny. In one meal, I ate a thousand loaves of bread, a hundred plates of chicken, a hundred cows, and a hundred sheep. The tiny people took me to meet their king and queen. The king’s hand was so tiny that I used only one finger to shake it.
     Everything was so small. I felt like a giant among them.

Tenses : Simple past tense, Past continuous tense,
Nouns : boy, tiny people
Adjectives : small village, very tired
Time connectives and conjunctions :  when
Adverbs and adverbial phrase : in small village, to the island of Liliput
Action verbs dalam past tense : swam, sank, sleep, pulled, made, gave, ate
Thinking verbs : felt,


1.       Basic Purpose : to share with others a real story of  which the ending is twist and funny to amuse the audience or readers.

2.       Generic structure:
-          Orientation : the opening of the story which sets the scene.
-          Events         : the details of the events in the story. Several events are explored in a   
                      chronological way which is able to arrange the story nicely.
-          Twist           : the funny or unpredictable ending of the story.

3.       Language Features:
-          The main text is written in third person.
-          It uses direct speech for dialog.
-          Focus on individual participants, e. g. a multimillionaire.
-          Use of material processes, e. g. parked.
-          Circumstances of time and place, e. g. over the next few days.
-          Use of past tense, e. g. borrowed, returned.

Hortatory Exposition

1.       Basic Purpose : to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

2.       Generic structure :
-          Thesis : statements or announcement of issue concern
-          Argument : reasons for concern, leading to recommendation.
-          Recommendation : statement of what ought to or ought not to happen or be done based on the given arguments.

3.        Language Features :
-          It is written in third person.
-          It use present tenses to promote facts as the writer sees them.
-          It is future tense to say what needs to be done.
-          Use abstract nouns. (ex : danger, government)
-          Use technical verbs. (ex : tropical rainforests)
-          Use action verbs. (ex : they should stop ... )
-          Use thinking verbs. (ex : They think ... )
-          Use modal verbs. (ex : government should apply)
-          Use some fillers (you know, er…., um …., etc)
-          Use connectives. (ex : firstly, secondly)
-          Use simple present tense. (ex : This is very dangerous)
-          Use passive sentence. (ex : This has been reported)
-          Use evaluative language. (ex : important)

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